Rio Impact offers tailor-made advisory services. Team members are attentive to their partners expectations in order to design the relevant technical, institutional and financing solutions.
The expertise domains of Rio Impact include, among others:
Thematics: Synergies between Rio-conventions (CBD, UNFCCC, UNCCD); The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB); Environmental finance for biodiversity and forests; National Forest, Biodiversity and Climate Funds; Payments for Ecosystem Services and compensation mechanisms; Conservation finance; Impact finance; Economic valuation of environmental goods and services; Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS / Nagoya Protocol); Environmental governance; Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+); Regional and National financing platforms for biodiversity and forests; Green Economy; Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation; Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA); Economic, Environmental and Social valuation of impacts of development projects; National Parks Management; Sustainable Forest Management; Agriculture and Rural Development; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Skills: Policy advice; Institutional development; Training facilitation; Project design and management; Project evaluation; Team coordination; Event organization and facilitation; Coordination of studies; Design of financing platforms; Writing of professional reports and academic publications; Presentations in conferences and workshops; International cooperation and development aid instruments and procedures (financial and technical cooperation); Donor coordination; Communication with media (tv, radio, press).